I seem to be on that treadmill of life. You know how it is, you get up and go to work, spend the day so engrossed in the task at hand , the hours pass so quickly it is then time to go home, get the dinner, do a few more chores, sit on the lounge to catch a little telly and maybe put a couple of stitches into some cloth, then nod off just as you start to get engrossed in a program , you come to and its time to go to bed. Next day you do it all again.
My life is taken up with a project at work ( I feel sure I have mentioned this previously) we are migrating our computer system to our parent company's box. This has posed a few problems as our parent company is German and before we start anything we have a language barrier to break through, terminology is another hurdle not to mention the distance so time zones tend to disrupt normal routine.
I was on the project for the original implementation of this computer system over 11 years ago , time has faded the memories of the amount of time and energy that goes into these projects to ensure a smooth transition with as little disruption to normal trading of our business, not to mention travel that has been involved.
Recently I travelled to our Auckland office for some training , it was Autumn and the trees were displaying the most glorious leaf colours.

I came across these villas in Birkenhead, a lovely harbour side suburb which is home to a wonderful needlework shop 'The Embroiderer'. Unfortunately it was Sunday and it was closed but they had a lovely window display.
These days they are very sought after and often they are relocated from their original sections. (Block)
O how I would love to live in one.
As you know I attend a class with Brigitte Giblin and as always Brigitte has something to inspire us with.
This project is very portable and great for plane travel and also indulges my passion for hexagons.

this project does not require too much fussy cutting

this project does not require too much fussy cutting

now before I can reveal the finished article, I can tell you some really exciting news, Brigitte is about to launch a new website, where she is going to sell her patterns, that you will be able to download immediately. None of this waiting for the postman.
I so enjoyed making this purse, you can use any leftover hexagons from previous projects or you can make new ones using your favourite scraps of fabric.
I think you may even be able to purchase the clasp from Brigitte. I don't think it will be too long before she has her website up and running and as soon as it happens I will post the address for you.

I know many of you are also interested in my clamshell quilt and have enquired about the technique I have used, once again this is a Brigitte pattern that will be available for purchase.

I know many of you are also interested in my clamshell quilt and have enquired about the technique I have used, once again this is a Brigitte pattern that will be available for purchase.
If any one reading this is interested in taking a class with Brigitte I know there are some spaces available at Material Obsession at Gladesville, just give Cathy a call.

I am still plugging away at this quilt, I took to our holiday place last weekend and threw it over this chair , I just loved the way the light of the late afternoon sun draped itself across the quilt. I don't have too many rows left to complete this quilt, I really need to get cracking and finish it so I can hand quilt it this winter.

Last weekend we had a public holiday here in the Eastern states of Australia, celebrating the 'Queens Birthday' the first couple of days the weather was very bleak and cold.
We just love walking along the beach when the weather is like this as the light for capturing images is rather interesting

none of these images have had any enhancements, this is exactly how it looked.

I am still plugging away at this quilt, I took to our holiday place last weekend and threw it over this chair , I just loved the way the light of the late afternoon sun draped itself across the quilt. I don't have too many rows left to complete this quilt, I really need to get cracking and finish it so I can hand quilt it this winter.

Last weekend we had a public holiday here in the Eastern states of Australia, celebrating the 'Queens Birthday' the first couple of days the weather was very bleak and cold.
We just love walking along the beach when the weather is like this as the light for capturing images is rather interesting

none of these images have had any enhancements, this is exactly how it looked.

These photos were taken with a very simple point and shoot, one that I always carry in my handbag ready to capture the moment.

The month of May is when we hold 'Australia's Biggest Morning Tea' a fund raising event to raise money for Cancer research.
a couple of slices
using one of my favourite ingredients (Lemon)

made for a great spread

The month of May is when we hold 'Australia's Biggest Morning Tea' a fund raising event to raise money for Cancer research.
I decided to hold such a morning tea with my colleagues.
Another of my passions is cooking so out came the mixer

and the cookbooks, ( I can highly recommend both of these books)
as well as some favourite old time recipes (This apple cake has a yummy maple syrup sauce) served with it. (If you are interested in the recipe drop me a comment with your return email)

and the cookbooks, ( I can highly recommend both of these books)

as well as some favourite old time recipes (This apple cake has a yummy maple syrup sauce) served with it. (If you are interested in the recipe drop me a comment with your return email)

a couple of slices

made for a great spread
Thank goodness! I can't wait for your project at work to be completed so we (your readers) may command more of your delightful posts. Michele
Lovely to hear from you Jean :-)
Just adore all those little hexies and your little purse is a delight. I will be watching out for the patterns
Take Care
Hi Jean, So good to see a post from you and so much to look at! That hexagon purse is divine and your clamshell quilt is stunning. I can't wait to see Brigette's website. I definately need help with the clamshells!
Your beach photos are beautiful and hope that work slows down a bit for you soon.
Beautiful hexxys, Jean, I love your fabric choices. I can vouch they are terribly addictive! Having avoided hexagons for my entire quilting life, I recently fell under their spell thanks to a class with Marg Samson at Material Obsession.
Jean Welcome Back - so nice to hear from you again. Love your blogs. Your purse if just beautiful and so is the quilt - it is nice to know that soon, we who can not get to Brigette's classes will have the opportunity to do some of her projects. That will be Wonderful. Thanks for the info. Cathie
Hi Jean...lovely to catch up with your news...love that bag- that is a definite as I have some old clasps which I could use...how do you do your clamshells? I am playing with some at the moment & need ideas/hints/tips! Hope work all settles & we "see" more of you! Are you going to Darling Harbour this weekend?
Lovely to see you back Jean. Wow, what a post! I adore your hexi purse! I am going to be visiting Material Obsession next month (july 7th) when Bridgitte has a class going, maybe I will see you there? We are leaving for Brisbane v early tomorrow, and coming back to Victoria via Sydney, I just had to drop into MO on the way home! Cathy xo
wow so many lovely things to report on.........hope everything goes well at work.......not long til the 1st July.......
oh jean! i had just put the kettle on and made a nice cup of tea and turned on my laptop and went to my favourites and your blog - just checking! and to my surprise and delight you are back! all so interesting and gorgeous, no wonder the team at work are making slow progress, that morning tea looked wonderful and then the beach photos! how beautiful and your work, well i am looking forward to your visit to melbourne soon.
Jean it's so wonderful to hear how you're doing and what a fabulous post!
Thanks for taking the time... I read it all with interest.
Love your bag and love your Clamshell quilt and love the photos...Love it all!! Wow!!
Are you going to the Quilt show this year??
I'm going tomorrow.
Robyn xx
Roll on the first of July! You're still managing some stitching so that's good and I always love seeing what you get up to. I love the purse so I'll be watching out for that one. Maybe I need to look for that baking book when I head back over, the houses you've shown are so nice, I love going for walks and seeing them when I take a trip to Auyckland.
Know what that treadmill feels like.... when we were young it was the party train as my brother called it lol. Sounds like you have not been twiddling your thumbs though!!
The purse is very cute. Did I tell you when I was in London 2 years ago this girl on the tube had an overnight bag made out of quilting/patchwork - I felt sure this was the latest craze (plus I loved it) but I spent the entire next day searching WImbledon for one with no luck!
Welcome back Jean, what gorgeous hexagons and just beautiful photos too. Well done on your morning tea - I am attending one tomorrow & hope it resembles yours even just a little!!
Best of luck on the work front for successful implementation on July 1.
Regards, Christine
Lovely to hear from you..Your Purse is so Cute & I will be looking forward to seeing BG's blog & to be able to buy her patterns I am a Fan of hers too...Lovely Pics...Thanks for Sharing...
Take Care
I discovered your blog after your last post, so am super glad to see a new post from you. You do such beautiful work! Your hexagon purse is soooo adorable! Really neat. I am eager to find out how the clamshell quilt is being made so can't wait for Bridget's patterns to be available. Your quilt is stunning. She should give you a commission. ;)
Good luck with work and the implentation of your project!
The clam quilt is STUNNING and the hexi's purse too, so original.
Patchwork is not my main passion, but am going to try these hexi's, saw them on Siobhan's blog too, so inspiring.
Thanks for sjowing your little purse. I cannot wait until the pattern becomes available so I will be checking your blog fir updates. Thanks for having such a visually appealing blog. It's refreshing and a real glimpse to the life if our friends down under.
Hi Jean, lovely to have met you at the show and I so enjoy reading your blog.
Thank you for sharing all the wonderful images, I hope work will settle down for you soon.
ps. I have met Brigitte a few times and love her work
Gorgeous quilt and lovely baking too!!
I have seen this clam quilt pop up in the last few weeks....hmmm looks like something I need to try!
Margaret B
Hi there. I'm glad I landed on your blog. Gorgeous purse (I pinned it) and quilt!
How wonderful to be able to walk on the beach, looks dreamy.
I saw your beautiful quilt on pinterest and had to check out your blog. I would love your recipe for the apple cake - my mom has apple trees in the North Carolina mountains and this would be something I would love to try. jenniferadams@carolina.rr.com
I hope you have had a successful conversion - we have customers in Germany and have many difficulties with time/language.
love, love that quilt! I have always wanted to make one.
I would like to have your apple cake recipe? Your apple cake sounds good. Is maple syrup made there? I grew up on a farm in northern New York and my family made maple syrup. Good stuff! adirondackr@yahoo.com
i don't think i can undertake a clamshell quilt, but the colours are AMAZING! the shirting type prints as the background and the slightly "off" colours of the clams are just what i love.
Your quilt is exquisite! I never really thought much of the clam shell pattern until seeing this quilt. I LOVE how you alternated the neutrals and the colors. Absolutely beautiful!
I googled Clam Shell quilts and got your blog!! LOVE your quilt...can you tell me how big your clam shells are and if you are following a pattern?? Thank you!!
I came across these villas in Birkenhead, a lovely harbour side suburb which is home to a wonderful needlework shop 'The Embroiderer'. Unfortunately it was Sunday and it was closed but they had a lovely window display. ethically sourced fabric , fabric sourcing online ,
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